Education to Download

– Here’s a complete explanation of how to Give & Receive Referrals.

– Here’s a worksheet to use to learn more about who your networking partners’ referrals are.

Jeff’s 1-on-1 Business Networking ChecklistThis worksheet is for you to use to get the most out of your 1-on-1 networking meetings. Get rolling by downloading this proven tool to aid you in becoming a better networker. Take extra copies with you so the colleagues you’re meeting with can use it, too. We provide it in a Word format intentionally so you may edit it as you wish to make it work best for you. All we ask is that you leave our info at the bottom, so they can download it for themselves.

You start by learning who each other wants to meet for business and then you can move along to find out who they are as a person.

If you’ve spent time together and don’t know their business needs, but only know their personal information, you’re just been on a date, not a networking meeting.

– Here’s the recording of one of my talks about how to answer the question, “What do YOU do?” Check it out and tell me what you think!

– Networking is THE most powerful way to land that new job. In this talk, Jeff tells you why and HOW.

Info on upcoming classes:


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