Business Networking Bootcamp

Check for Latest Bootcamp Dates Here:

Making Friends at Chamber Meetings, But No Biz?

Networking Groups Just Good Food?

Making Friends at Chamber Events, But No Clients?

Stop Wasting Your Time!

Join Us at Jeff Klein’s

Business Networking Bootcamp

Two 2-Hour Classes

Pt 1: Business Networking Results

Pt 2: Business Networking Mastery

Scheduled Monthly

in Dallas, Houston, & Online

  • Learn Networking with Bottom Line Impact.
  • Answer “What do you do?” in a way that Generates Referrals.

Deliver Elevator Pitches that Drive Business.

The Business Networking Bootcamp – Award-winning Networking Expert Jeff Klein teaches a proven technique to help business professionals and salespeople generate referrals using his training. Jeff has been helping businesses all over North America craft and communicate their messages for over 30 years. He Guarantees he delivers effective, results-oriented Networking Skills for his clients to use to grow their businesses.

During this 4-hour Workshop delivered in 2 parts, attendees learn what to say, how to say it, and how to ask for the referrals that will help them grow their businesses.

Objectives of The Business Networking Bootcamp

  1. Be more comfortable talking about our companies both in business and casual settings.
  2. Speak about What We Do from our Clients’ point of view.
  3. Attract and Retain New Business while Enhancing Existing Relationships.
  4. Monetize the time spent Business Networking.

Take-Away Tools from the Bootcamp

  1. Lists of Potential Referral Partners
  2. Product Statements (Conversation Starters)
  3. 30 Second Networking Commercials (Elevator Pitches)
  4. 1-on-1 Checklists

Applications for What Your Learn

  1. Sales Calls & Conversations
  2. Face time with Referral Partners
  3. Networking Events
  4. Chamber of Commerce Events
  5. 1-on-1 Networking Meetings
  6. Trade Shows and Expos

Check for Latest Bootcamp Dates Here:


Workshop – $397

Check for Latest Bootcamp Dates Here:


Audio Download – $20 This is the mp3 version of Jeff’s CD that has helped over 2,000 business professionals get more referrals.


eBook – $7.99

On the eBook Launch in 2013: “I’ve chosen National Salesperson’s Day to launch this new eBook. I value the profession of sales. It’s one of the most difficult jobs there is and it’s often thankless and can be a beating to do day in and day out,” said speaker and author Jeff Klein.

As the late, great Zig Ziglar said, “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.

That’s what sales is all about. Helping other people.

And, after all, we’re all in Sales.

Business Networking is the most basic, grass-roots way for Marketing any Business. This eBook is a Self-Help tool for Personal Development for every Sales Professional.

This eBook is designed to help salespeople and entrepreneurs with their most basic, grass-roots method of promoting their business, the 30 Second Networking Commercial.

Speaker and Business Networking Expert Jeff Klein has been teaching the Elevator Pitch for 8 years. He has reached tens of thousands of Business Professionals with his 30 Seconds to Success CD and Workshop.

The eBook version of this training is finally here! The Elevator Pitch is the foundation of all Business Networking. Some call this the 30 Second Commercial. It is the Sales Pitch Salespeople use to introduction themselves.

In this new eBook, Sales Professionals and Entrepreneurs will learn this useful Communications Skill in a clear, concise way that can be implemented immediately.


I’ve been networking for years and have often times felt like networking  wasn’t working for me. While I had the exposure to other professionals, the networking meetings I was attending were not driving results…and in sales, time is money! Then, I attended a seminar that Jeff Klein presented the topic “Getting Referrals with your 30 Second Commercial.”

The very next networking event I attended resulted in several referrals names, phone numbers, etc. I am now looking for a time that I can have Jeff present to my entire sales staff. His information and methods are invaluable!

Amy Doty – VP Sales & Marketing , Texas Jewish Post

Jeff gave real world, use it now, here’s how you think you knew how to network but were so off the mark no wonder you weren’t getting anywhere with it but here’s how to fix it tactics and techniques that i put to use immediately. I’ve been to many networking events and it kills me to think how I’ve mishandled those golden opportunities! Never again. Thank you Jeff!

Michael Hoffman , CSP – Igniting Performance

Jeff has a lot to share on being a proactive networker. He’s the kind of person who gets what he needs by helping others get what they want. He can help you to look good, to grow and to interact effectively! I appreciate what I’ve learned from Jeff as well as the introductions he’s helped me with. I’d recommend him as a speaker and just as someone to know.

Barb Granados – Owner, Lattes On Location

Submit Your Testimonial

If you have a sales team at your office or a group of networkers that would like to take advantage of a Workshop, appointments are available at your location or on a conference call.

Email to find out about Custom Sales Team Trainings at your location

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